Manuscript submission

Please submit your manuscript to: are welcomed on topics which appear relevant to the overall aim of the journal: the study of everyday life. Scholars are invited from a range of different disciplines, including, but not limited to, ethnology, folklore studies, history, cultural studies, media studies and archeology. Submissions should be between 5000 and 8000 words, and written in English or Dutch.

For style of referencing see the Author Guidelines.
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published internationally, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The author stays the owner of the copyright on his own work.

Guidelines for Authors

1 Procedure
Submissions are invited on topics which appear relevant to the overall aim of the journal: the study of everyday life. Manuscripts (in English or Dutch) should be sent to To determine whether the topic falls within the mission of the journal, you may start by e-mailing a short abstract or outline.

We will confirm the reception of the abstracts/manuscripts.

Quotidian operates a strictly double-blinded peer review process. Each manuscript that meets the guidelines will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees.

The editorial staff will take a decision based on the reviews. There are three possible outcomes: (1) the article is accepted and will be published, (2) the article will have to be revised and may be submitted again, (3) the article is not accepted. Authors will be notified about acceptance, rejection, or desired alterations including a short report about the reviews.

When an article is accepted for publication, the author will receive a proof version as a pdf file via mail.

Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published internationally, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The author stays the owner of the copyright on his own work.

2 Length
Manuscripts between 5000 and 8000 words (including notes and references).

3 Layout
Manuscripts must be typed 1.5-spaced and in 12-point font, Times New Roman, margin 3 cm. The manuscript must be accompanied by a separate front page including title, author and abstract. It has to be sent to the editors as a MS Word file by email.

4 Text
The articles can be written in English or Dutch. For non-native speakers, it is important that the author has the final version of the manuscript checked for language errors.

Please prepare your manuscript appropriately to facilitate the double-blind review. Cite your own work formally without self-reference.

Numbers: from zero to twenty have to be written out in full. Decades and centuries also have to be written out in full.

Citation: Be consistent when using references. Quotations will be marked by simple quotation marks (‘ ’), citations within a quotation are marked by double quotation marks (“ ”). Quotations within a sentence doe not include the final punctuation mark, quotiations that form a complete sentence include the final punctuation mark. If parts of the quotation are left out, it has to be marked with three dots between round brackets (...). Put additions between squared brackets [ ].

Foreign words have to be written in italics.

5 Text structure
Paragraphs should be separated by one hard return. New lines should be indented. You may insert section headings. Write them in bold. Subparagraphs should be in italics. Please do not work with more than two levels for the text structure.

6 References
References appearing in the bibliography must be cited in the text, and vice versa. Use 'in-text-citation' in which the literature is cited in short terms. A 'reference list entry' will be admitted. Quotidian follows The Chicago Manual Style. Endnotes (Arabic numerals) should be used sparingly; they are reserved for additional information and comments. Links can also be added to the article once it has been submitted to the editors.

7 Abstract
The article must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words (in English). The abstract should outline the main features of the article and stress the conclusions.

8 Personal particulars and biographical note
Title, name (full Christian name preferred), mentioning the year of birth will be appreciated, short biographical note (no more than 100 words), and address. These details should only be mentioned on the front page.

9 Illustrations
Articles may be accompanied by no more than five illustrations. Only digital images are accepted. Digital images must have at least 600 dpi (dots per inch). Files with the formats TIF, EPS and JPG are suitable; PDF files will not be accepted. The appropriate locations of the illustrations should be indicated in the text.

10 Copyright
The author is responsible for obtaining written permission and meeting any related costs for the use of material under copyright (such as illustrations) and for the correct acknowledgements for this use in the article.

11 Revised Submissions
Revised submissions must include a detailed cover letter indicating the changes made to the manuscript and how the author has responded to the comments of the reviewers.

12 License agreement
The author has to agree to the AUP Open Acces license agreement, which can be found on the website of Quotidian: